Part Two Rule No 6_ Become more reflective and less observant
Dear Readers Time to go back down the rabbit hole let's journey into self discovery. We have come to part 2 of rule no 6. The journey inward is very important if you want to undo all your conditioning, remember conditioning is extrospective which is examining and processing what is outside yourself but if you take the first step and become introspective which is looking inward trying to understand what goes on in your mind, thoughts, feelings and inner workings you will begin to notice just how powerful this way of being can be. Let's put on our thinking hats: Going inward doesn't require much, you don't need to go and hire the world's greatest for's actually simple.....becoming reflective is about small exercises like thinking about your day but thinking about it on a deeper level, you can do it in your mind or get yourself a book to write in, doesn't what works for you, make yourself comfortable it's your inner journey ...