Part Two Rule No 6_ Become more reflective and less observant
Dear Readers
Time to go back down the rabbit hole let's journey into self discovery. We have come to part 2 of rule no 6.
The journey inward is very important if you want to undo all your conditioning, remember conditioning is extrospective which is examining and processing what is outside yourself but if you take the first step and become introspective which is looking inward trying to understand what goes on in your mind, thoughts, feelings and inner workings you will begin to notice just how powerful this way of being can be.
Let's put on our thinking hats:
Going inward doesn't require much, you don't need to go and hire the world's greatest for's actually simple.....becoming reflective is about small exercises like thinking about your day but thinking about it on a deeper level, you can do it in your mind or get yourself a book to write in, doesn't what works for you, make yourself comfortable it's your inner journey you owe it to yourself, when you treat you better you open yourself up to becoming insightful. The type of reflecting of your day that you need to do is very different to your usual way of "thinking about your day"........
Lets put on our deeper thinking hats and go deeper down the rabbit hole.......
Most think about what happened during the day, you need to start thinking about you being the main character of your day and reflect on how everything that happened during the day made you think and feel how you reacted to these situations too. If something made you feel negative then take this as clues that show you areas in your life which needs to be worked on. Don't forget to also celebrate what you learnt, the people who made you feel good, those parts of your day shouldn't be ignored. When you change your thinking to observing how you played a role in your day you get a deeper understanding of your life that gives you some answers you've been looking for.
The end result is you becoming your own personal advisor and trust me no one knows you better than you know yourself! So the only one who should be advising you is your own inner voice, it's more wiser than you think, it's our deeper form of consciousness that we are tapping into so don't think you becoming a little bit selfish and paying attention to what your all about makes you a bad human being it's silly thinking and very limited! The right way is to know Thyself because when you know yourself well, you function at a much higher level which only reflects a true version of you, that can never be duplicated the end result is contentment, acceptance and parts of you will find peace, we want peace, but don't want to put in the necessary work, then we blame God, people, situations, not being good enough etc, never taking accountability for anything and it's everyone else's fault everyone else is wrong, are also wrong in some way so better to learn about it and fix it, so you can live a more authentic version of you.
Living with dogma only cripples you and satisfies the person's thinking your following, if you are generally a good person and you make a mistake here and there, that doesn't mean God doesn't love you, it only means people that are involved in this scenario has a problem with it, not God so stop thinking God doesn't love you over making mistakes, we are given free will and it's the choices we makes that defines what happens in our life the drama we put ourselves in is also caused by our decisions, blame no one else and take accountability. When you can do that....the inward journey becomes easy. We don't like to see the ugly sides of ourselves or our weaknesses we just ignore and live automatic and think about things on a surface and superficial level, but if you tired of the form of thinking you posess and it drives you to depression then please change that and give your mind what it needs, an upgrade which is a new way of thinking.......
Love is the most powerful emotion to have it is unconditional and selfless, unfortunately that is so rare to find these days that it would be better to love yourself first before you go looking for it. If your not happy it's because feelings within you and outside of you are not authentic and genuine and these are things that should be examined so you can free yourself and live a better, happier more fulfilled and authentic version of you and the feeling of living your truth is something money can't buy and no other person can make you feel it, it's only you that can make that happen.
In part three I will explain the challenges you will face when taking the trip inward, the emotions and confusion that you may experience and how it's all ok to go through because the inner journey involves all of this, the good the bad and everything in between.
Until next time......Firi_B ๐