
Showing posts with the label #rulestoliveby

A Voetsek Situation has become a communityπŸ‘‘πŸ’–❤πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€πŸ€πŸ’―

A Voetsek Situation is now an online community platform that is here to help you on your journey to self development, it's also a community to socialise, have a good laugh, discuss ideas, and get to know people from different walks of life, if you would like to be part of the community then please follow the link below and join, all is welcome πŸ˜ŽπŸ’šπŸ‘‡ A Voetsek Situation_Happy Bonding

Part Two Rule No 4_ Forgiveness to everything including yourself

Dear Readers The time has come to put on your thinking hats so let’s get to it: In today’s post we will look at forgiving yourself, which most struggle with because we now live in a society where forgiving yourself, accepting the flaws that you have or had as well as your weaknesses is looked down upon, we are programmed by the environment we live in, events that happen in our lives, people’s opinion and upbringing that causes us to block out forgiving oneself. As you can see many external factors at play here, which makes forgiveness a challenge for most. Time to go deeper: We have a thing within us called EGO, I like to call EGO the devil’s gift! We are not born with Ego, it is created and manifested in thoughts and actions. Ego is a big ingredient in sabotaging YOU from forgiving yourself and others, it also impacts your gateway to your higher self. Here is why ego will get in the way, Ego makes you feel entitled, forgetting that we need to go through challenges in our lif...

BONUS POST _ How to diffuse conflicts that arise in your life

Dear Readers πŸ‘‹  I love sharing because sharing is caring so as always....... Time to put on your thinking hats and let's get to it: πŸ€«πŸ˜€πŸ‘‡ You get 6 different types of thinking hats applied in business, this role playing mode was created by a genius mind Edward Do Bono back in 1986,  However this is a great tool to psychologically understand people's ways of thinking, the mindset morals values and beliefs they hold and basically what they are all about, see the thing is people reveal to you who they are, you just gotta become aware of the signs and only then can you learn to live in peace with people who annoy or bring you to agitation,,,, Time to unlock to free thinking: Accepting the different thinking hats blocks disagreements that happen when people with different thinking styles discuss same issues, approaching the conversation from this particular point of view helps people move outside their usual thinking styles and helps one get a broader understanding of the situati...

Part Four Rule No 3 _ Crack the code to distractions

Dear Readers  The time has come for ladies to become aware of what playtime distractions are really doing to you, as always let's get to it: Playtime distractions for the ladies, social media, make up and exercise tutorials, fashion, men and more men, friends, gossiping, time wasting and pointless talks, chasing money and followers, behaving in a goon manner (we will go more in depth on gooning in a later post) fighting and competing with one another being jealous , feeling depressed or unworthy, as you can see the list can carry on for days.....but you get my point! These playtime distractions is killing every part of you that wants to flourish. Time to put on your thinking hats πŸ‘’ πŸ‘Œ πŸ˜‰ 😌 πŸ€”  When us ladies are on social media we can feel so lost and depressed, we lose our identity and question who we are or we end up not feeling good enough. Here is where you are going wrong with your playtime distractions: You are feeding your focus with content and info that serves other...

BONUS POST _ How to conquer negative thoughts in your mind ✨️ πŸ˜€ πŸ™

How to conquer negative thoughts in your mind..... knowledge is power so here is my understanding of conquering negative thoughts  The time has come to put on your thinking hats and think a little deeper than let's get to it...... Negative thoughts don't just manifest by itself,,,it is created, and what is the source of this creation, πŸ€” you will not believe..... Most of your Negative thoughts is coming from the outside world, your interactions with people, the experiences you've been through and also what you think about yourself as a whole,  Let's go deeper: You will not feel shitty about yourself unless someone rejects you am I right? But when people love you then you can't help but think good things about yourself,  So here is the secret to conquering your negative thoughts: Start questioning those thoughts, challenge them in your mind, no you will not be crazy for that 😜 πŸ˜‰ trust me..... our brain has signals called neurotransmitters and everytime...

Part Three Rule No 3_ Crack the code to distractions

 Dear Readers We have come to the final part of Rule No 3 Crack the code to distractions, PLAYTIME DISTRACTIONS   I will cover the men in today's post  So as always let's get to it....... I picked this just for the men as I feel it resonates to guys the most, so there's your quote to get your thinking hats going deeper..... Let's move on.....playtime distractions for the men.....let's name them: Chick's,cars,motivational goals,bro codes,fashion,gyming and and..... So how does this come into ruining your life, I will tell you,  Your playtime distractions will fog your thinking and keep you asleep from what you truly want to achieve in your life..... Most of the complaints from men are about women cheating, befriending men, becoming shameless and disrespectful or being gold diggers, let me ask you why you complaining? Your secret distractions are the very same things you complain about..... Let's go deeper, you want nice cars, the vroo paas and and, you also w...

Part Two Rule No 3 _ Crack the code to distractions

Dear Readers We have arrived at our second part to rule No 3  Crack the code to distractions.... Today I'm going to cover personal distractions, so as promised let's get to it..... There's something called urge surfing πŸ„‍♀️ 🌊 yes it exists in all of us let me explain further cos knowledge is power and when you give your mind the scope to understand and put a label to an issue, working on it becomes natural, you will see for yourself, so back to urge surfing, definition: Urge surfing refers to a mental technique of observing an urge without engaging in it How is this technique a secret to conquering personal distractions let me explain further: For example your on social media browsing through your feeds, this can make you feel a certain type of way, but it can be controlled and put back into its place by adapting the urge surfing technique,  So how do you apply urge surfing technique πŸ€” 😏 that is easy......learn to sit with your feelings, if you feeling like ...

My Official Logo

Created by Ameerah, 11 years old.....I take my hat off for youπŸ’― Dear Readers  I have the official stamp by Google to take my blog to the next level and thank you for the support,  So as per Readers request, here is my official logo to a Voetsek Situation, thank you for all the helpful insights into making this blog a community for all of us!  Have a great weekend guys and God bless πŸ™Œ 

Keep the right ✅️ kind of distractions in your life


Rule No 3 _ Crack the code to Distractions

 Dear Readers  I hope my off day from blogging made you think about the 2 rules I mentioned in my previous posts,if the first 2 rules got you thinking then this rule will get your thinking hats going deeper  So let's get to it..... Distractions are everywhere and distractions are people too, let's say you have a goal of saving money, hmmm we all wish we had the discipline when it comes to that πŸ˜…and unfortunately with the living expenses being so high, saving has become non existent...but that goal can happen if you use your focus correctly: How do we lose focus in the 1st place, you go out you meet people, you make friends you socialise you enjoy life, and we should do that cos as people we need to connect with others, but if you want to truly connect to Thyself then please stop being like the sheep and become a lion 🦁, rather be the hunter than the prey!  With distractions if you don't apply yourself properly you will empty your pockets out faster than the time it...

Rule No 2 _ Know Thyself (become the master of your sea)

Dear Readers  We have come to our 2nd rule.....Know Thyself, become the master of your sea, if you handle your waters right you gonna get awesome waves let's go surfing πŸ‘‹ πŸ˜€  Ok this rule guys is gonna make you question everything you thought you knew about yourself, but anyways this must be done so let me open your mind to what you couldn't see, but don't blame yourself or beat yourself up about it, cos it ain't your fault, life is crazy and what we lack as human beings is direction, you will come to understand the real definition of direction once you go deeper into knowing yourself. As you all know we are all made up of 3 elements....mind,body and soul....yes God has gifted us with that, yet majority don't know how to use the 1st one correctly, overeat or undereat on the second and completely ignore the third which is the most critical of them all.....that's what your taking with you when you die....not your body and not your mind so let's start feeding ...

Part Three Rule No 1 _ God first (before anyone else)

Dear Readers  This will be the last post to Rule No 1 (God is real and His your everything) By now you should have some idea of where your going wrong in your life, you have taken inventory of all the people and parts of you that don't bring positive vibes and your probably feeling like shit, if you are not feeling anything at this point please go back and reflect again cos you are either not being honest with yourself or your not ready to put in the effort that is required. The feelings your having right now will pass, it is part of the journey, true self reflection involves going behind your own curtain and facing your own demons, you might not like your weaknesses and bad habits that you have but this is where you start to stand out from the rest, you are starting to calculate what is not working for you and you are going to adjust accordingly. So now we come to the fun part, your results.... in my previous post I gave you guys homework, go and learn what temperament you are and...

Keep this in mind while on your journey to self discoveryπŸ‘‡πŸ’―✌️


Part Two Rule No 1 _ God first (before anyone else)

Dear Readers I hope everyone is having the best Sunday one can imagine ❤️ πŸ’•,  if not that's ok we will get there, remember it's all in the mind πŸ˜€πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š Now that you have given yourself fully to God by allowing Him to do His job on you, your next step is going to be hard, correcting all your faults, the parts of you that don't serve you anymore, I'm talking about those attachments us as human beings can't let go of, greed, lust, rage, you know what I'm talking about, selfishness being the biggest of them all!  So remember I said take inventory of all your bad habits and behavior, there was a reason for this, I want you to physically look at what are your faults, in plain ink and paper the reality will sink in trust me.....and be completely honest don't lie to yourself remember God knows the real you so you can't deceive Him either, make it a private assignment between you and God alone to work on, you will thank me later for this, put your hands up from a...

Rule No 1_ God first (before anyone else)

This dear Readers will be the 1st rule you will live by.....I could write a whole library comprising of all the benefits that comes with putting God 1st in your life but unfortunately it's 2022 and time is no longer our friend, everything has to be done in the quickest time possible so let me sum it up! Nothing and no one on this earth belongs to you, really take in what I am saying guys, when you die you will leave everything behind and what you do here matters cos it will reflect in who and what you leave behind! Take your kids for example: If your someone who taught them manners, respect,humility, kindness, those are the morals and character you will leave behind, so take inventory of where you have been going wrong and start living by the word of God, the guidance and knowledge God has given us will not only leave behind a lineage of good people but also a better tomorrow for future generations to come. Remember we are all connected we all need eachother to survive, mother natu...