
Showing posts with the label #selfdevelopment #freethinking

BONUS POST _ How to diffuse conflicts that arise in your life

Dear Readers 👋  I love sharing because sharing is caring so as always....... Time to put on your thinking hats and let's get to it: 🤫😀👇 You get 6 different types of thinking hats applied in business, this role playing mode was created by a genius mind Edward Do Bono back in 1986,  However this is a great tool to psychologically understand people's ways of thinking, the mindset morals values and beliefs they hold and basically what they are all about, see the thing is people reveal to you who they are, you just gotta become aware of the signs and only then can you learn to live in peace with people who annoy or bring you to agitation,,,, Time to unlock to free thinking: Accepting the different thinking hats blocks disagreements that happen when people with different thinking styles discuss same issues, approaching the conversation from this particular point of view helps people move outside their usual thinking styles and helps one get a broader understanding of the situati...

Part Four Rule No 3 _ Crack the code to distractions

Dear Readers  The time has come for ladies to become aware of what playtime distractions are really doing to you, as always let's get to it: Playtime distractions for the ladies, social media, make up and exercise tutorials, fashion, men and more men, friends, gossiping, time wasting and pointless talks, chasing money and followers, behaving in a goon manner (we will go more in depth on gooning in a later post) fighting and competing with one another being jealous , feeling depressed or unworthy, as you can see the list can carry on for days.....but you get my point! These playtime distractions is killing every part of you that wants to flourish. Time to put on your thinking hats 👒 👌 😉 😌 🤔  When us ladies are on social media we can feel so lost and depressed, we lose our identity and question who we are or we end up not feeling good enough. Here is where you are going wrong with your playtime distractions: You are feeding your focus with content and info that serves other...

BONUS POST _ How to conquer negative thoughts in your mind ✨️ 😀 🙏

How to conquer negative thoughts in your mind..... knowledge is power so here is my understanding of conquering negative thoughts  The time has come to put on your thinking hats and think a little deeper than let's get to it...... Negative thoughts don't just manifest by itself,,,it is created, and what is the source of this creation, 🤔 you will not believe..... Most of your Negative thoughts is coming from the outside world, your interactions with people, the experiences you've been through and also what you think about yourself as a whole,  Let's go deeper: You will not feel shitty about yourself unless someone rejects you am I right? But when people love you then you can't help but think good things about yourself,  So here is the secret to conquering your negative thoughts: Start questioning those thoughts, challenge them in your mind, no you will not be crazy for that 😜 😉 trust me..... our brain has signals called neurotransmitters and everytime...