Part Two Rule No 7_ Reprogramming your self-love radar
Dear Readers
Time to put on our thinking hats, let's journey down the rabbit hole πwe will cover the remaining elements of self-love and how becoming STRATEGIC helps you on your journey towards self discovery......... Let's recap:
S- Speech
T- Temperament
R- Realism
A- Accountability
T- Transparency
E- Encouragement
G- Gravitation
I- Idealism
C- Cooperation
If you apply the strategic concept you will crack the code to self-love because this form of being covers you not only on an intellectual level but soul level as well. It creates a new way of thinking and living that is more in alignment with being authentically YOU. So let's get to it:ππ
*previous post covers the first 4 elements......this post is a continuationπ
Transparency - is the quality of being in an open way without secrets. This means you need transparency within yourself and with others, transparency from others is hard as we all operate from our own mental conditioning and some people enjoy living in secrets and lies. So since we have no control over that, let's apply transparency to our own lives. How do you become transparent with yourself? It's actually quite easy.....when you are able to speak about your life which includes the good the bad and everything in between in an open and honest way with yourself and others you will discover what being transparent really means. For example your mind will always find problems to anything and everything, but your heart will tell you it's not true. Your mind is constantly analyzing and trying to make sense...... finding answers to questions that really hit deep. The only time your mind is on a break is when you are asleep, even then you are taken through dream state and deep consciousness known as REM and then it moves into Theta mode which is an even deeper consciousness. You see even when your brain is in a relaxed state it still has to go through stages and you take sleeping as something so easy to do, but the internal process is a big cycle of activity going on. Transparency will mean having a relationship between your mind and heart. Remember the concept of synchronicity (Carl Jung) that I mentioned in rule No 6. Your mind and heart need to be open and honest with one another. Your mind will tell you to shut up and not give advice to another or help but your heart will feel otherwise and want to help. Your mind will also tell you that keeping secrets from others or following other peoples ways and being a copycat is a better and safer way to live but your heart will tell you this is so fake and I don't feel good about it. Your mind tells you that being so extroverted and people pleasing will win the hearts of others (biggest lie) and make you popular but your heart will feel empty. You need to start questioning what your mind tells you. Remember not everything you think is the truth and not everything you feel is real. This is how you crack the code to transparency.....give it a try and see. Challenge yourself! But on your OWN intellectual level to get to your soul level.
Encouragement - you really need to be your own best friend. YOU are the one that has to live with yourself, so I really don't understand why we get judged so harshly when we decide to put ourselves first. If you not your own best friend you will accumulate a crowd that is fake and unauthentic. This also creates dogma in your life. YOU won't get the freedom to self explore and understand life in your OWN way. They will agree or disagree to anything or everything, downplay your ideas, even talk bad things behind your back, laugh at things you say that aren't even funny, pretend to be your true supporter or cheer leaders...... It's a facade don't fall for it. I can guarantee you when you are down and gutted they will not be there. If they are there, others will know about it and you will become a pity party to other people's stories. YOU are the only one who can be a true judge of yourself and YOU are the only one who can be a true cheer leader in your life. By becoming your own best friend you will allow yourself the scope to discover a hidden/new talent that you didn't know about or you will come to the realization that you have a natural born talent for something you've been suppressing for years because we love to operate out of a state of fear. We must condition ourselves to operate in a state of freedom and liberation. GOD GAVE US FREE WILL for a reason! We like to believe that we must never dream too big or reach for the skies because not everyone will make it. Not everyone is that lucky! It's not about being lucky, it's about putting in the effort to do things we really don't feel like doing in order to get the results we want. It is also about being able to support yourself fully in your belief system about yourself. You must be kind with yourself because when you are kind to yourself you will be kind to others and THAT IS THE REAL G that wins hearts! You must be there for yourself during your good and bad days. If you feel good celebrate yourself and share that joy with others. If you feel bad go read a book about a subject you find interesting and this will make you interesting to others. You can talk to God during good and bad days. He loves to hear about your problems because this is the dialogue needed to build your relationship with Him. Do you think God gives us answers by talking directly with us? Nope, He does it in more subtle ways.......He also uses the power within you that was always there from the day you were born......but your conditioning and environment forced you to cover up the essence of what is already within. I know it is hard to be your own best friend you rather have another person be your best friend because we love to be validated and reassured by another......try doing that for yourself instead, what will you lose if you choose to be an encouragement to yourself? I don't think you will lose anything but there is definitely a possibility of gaining something! A new way of thinking and feeling π€
Gravitation - GOALS GOALS GOALS! This is what gravitation is all about. Stop sleeping! Even if you got a good job, a nice family or just living life in whatever way you see fit, just know that if you have no goals towards something then you still asleep. You are not living! Small goals, medium goals and big goals need to be given space and time in your mind. These folders must have sub folders of how to get to each goal. I have done an opposite effect when it comes to achieving goals. Let's go into detail on how to do the opposite effect:
1st rule do the thing you really don't like to do for 21 days just pick one thing. 2nd rule do the damn thing and don't just think about it or how you don't feel like doing it. For example if you like to binge watch on Netflix or spending too much time out and about with people and things try limiting that for 21 days. It has to be be something simple and you must think of yourself as an amateur or baby when you start. This will open the doors to becoming goal savvy. Don't make drastic changes just slow and steady will gradually build from this.
3rd rule.....scratch it off your list cos you have achieved! How did you achieve? By doing the thing you didn't want to do! Just imagine! Please give the opposite effect a try, you will be impressed with the results! Remember achieving doesn't mean you must be someone with alot of money or's this type of thinking that brings us down.....achieving also means challenging yourself to break chains of old patterns and thinking too.....when you look at achieving with this mindset you will become more peaceful internally because you not trying to be an achiever by someone else's standards you doing it with the standards you see fit for yourself! Please don't let anybody demolish or criticize your dreams and goals..... If people laugh at you let them laugh and let God deal with them! God loves to see the visionaries of the world. His waiting to hear all about your great ideas and dreams for the future. Keep your goals between you and God and guard it.....this way no one can interfere with what you got going on.
Last rule...... YOU are now qualified to start setting REAL goals for yourself. The 21 days of opposite effect was your trial phase.You have ignited a passion within you into setting goals and becoming an achiever!
Idealism - if your second set of ideals are not of your own thinking then you are in DOGMA......I will tread carefully here......your 1st set of ideals should come from God and his books thereafter you are free to explore in a manner that directs one back to God. Do you know why God's Prophets are praised all around the world so much? It's their ideals that they created in the world! To keep us in order and our thinking intact and protected. Philosophy unlocked thinking to us homo sapiens! Philosophers are the 1st thinkers who brought morality to the world did you know? We completely disregard philosophy as if it didn't play a big role in our evolution. They cracked the code to thinking......God's Prophets perfected it with Idealism. So you must have an open mind to listen to all of God's creations and the ways of what drove them and nations of people back to God. For example my second set of ideals is never judge a book by its cover because the book might surprise you and become a very interesting read! So don't be so quick to judge someone because he or she is poor, dresses different, uneducated, different skin colour this is all silly...... I learn from the HUMAN RACE not just one particular ethnicity, gender or must ask yourself is it their fault they are born in that kind of environment? God is love and when you really come to understand God you will have nothing but love for another human being.....even an enemy that you think is your enemy but they aren't.....just like you they also have demons they are fighting internally and they act out in a manner they were conditioned in.....don't blame them, it's the environment. Old literature holds a lot of wisdom and new age information allows us the ability to see the deeper meaning of it. So we can keep THINKING alive because in 2023 I don't see many thinkers but I see a lot of in automatic........doing the mundane.......not creating anything.....quick to gossip and spend countless hours on time wasting activities and quick to follow trends that doesn't satisfy on all levels we were created in which is heart, mind body and soul. Get your ideals in check so you can get all levels of YOU in a balanced mode. Human utopia, nirvana, ubuntu, enlightenment or oneness it's all possible but it starts with the right set of ideals. You can experience it too just like these other great thinkers! This is true freedom for YOU! God is so unlimited so multidimensional no human being is able to comprehend the full diversity of God, but we can come to understand His GREATNESS by becoming open to His diverse creations which comes from opening yourself up to people from different walks of life.
Cooperation - You need to become a serious diplomat in your life. This is what cooperation is all about. Don't kill a part of you for the benefit of others, don't allow people to manipulate you into their way of thinking, feeling and behaving. Don't be so hard on yourself for mistakes or situations that didn't play out as expected. Live with the mindset that the only guarantee we have in life is death. It is inevitable and don't be fooled by YOLO (you only live once) concept! The truth is we live everyday and only die once. This is a distraction made up by the deceiving types to keep you blinded to true purpose and potential. Silly thinkers will come up with all kinds of illusions to keep you asleep. All these silly thinkers know to do is have fun and nothing else of substance to them. Cooperation also involves looking in the mirror on a daily talking to yourself in a positive manner, " I am special" "I matter" "God loves me" these affirmations will make you feel some type of way if you allow it enough time. The outcome of this will be positive don't stress and no you will not be crazy for doing this. You can also do it mentally if you shy to do it in front of the mirror. Just do what you comfortable with. Here is some insight to help you with cooperation within yourself:
When you speak with "I feel" statements for example "I feel sad/happy" it is coming from your heart energy, when you speak with "I am" statements for example "I am strong/weak" it is coming from your sacral energy, when you speak with "I think" statements for example "I think I am great/horrible" it is coming from your intellect or mental energy and lastly when you speak with "I know" statements for example "I know I am worth more" it is coming from your sixth sense psychic energy (no you will not see into the future) it is just energy that is pure.....think of it like a wire that connects you to the Creator......this form of energy surpasses mental, physical and sacral energy. It is the intuitive soul energy that connects you to who you truly are on the inside. So learn to cooperate with yourself in a positive manner becoming aware of what you say with statements that involve "I feel" "I am" "I think" "I know". For the negative statements do the opposite effect and change it to positive. You will see a difference just by doing this simple thing for yourself. Just by changing some statements you can create a ripple effect of positivity in your life.
YOU are capable of change. We all are! If people judge you for your change you respond the way Dr Alban did, he used a positive statement to counteract the negative, he said "Things I do, I do them no more, things I say, I say them no more" Use this statement for your haters!
You must also be flexible in loving yourself and making friends with the bad sides of you in the way Pablo Neruda loved the bad sides of his wife, he said "I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret between the shadow and the soul". This statement alone will change and heal you. To heal is to touch the bad sides of you with love instead of hate.
Lastly ignite your passion and spirit in a way where you live with the mindset of "I bounce to the beat of my own drum, I'm a wow in a world full of ho-hum" -VIVO.
Cooperate, inspire and create for yourself. Don't let anybody pull the strings of your life. That is God's job! Let God pull your strings He will direct you to a more authentic path. God is KING! Accept the invitation into His kingdom.
We have come to the end of the first 7 rules for YOU. I wish you all the best in uncovering your own individuality, the next set of rules will cover how you must be with others, this is where the fun starts, we will be dissecting people for who they truly are. The hard part is over if you applied the rules I truly congratulate you for your efforts! It is very hard to do inner work but the benefits that comes with it will change your life in exceptional ways!
Until next time........Firi_Bπ