Rule No 1_ God first (before anyone else)
This dear Readers will be the 1st rule you will live by.....I could write a whole library comprising of all the benefits that comes with putting God 1st in your life but unfortunately it's 2022 and time is no longer our friend, everything has to be done in the quickest time possible so let me sum it up!
Nothing and no one on this earth belongs to you, really take in what I am saying guys, when you die you will leave everything behind and what you do here matters cos it will reflect in who and what you leave behind!
Take your kids for example:
If your someone who taught them manners, respect,humility, kindness, those are the morals and character you will leave behind, so take inventory of where you have been going wrong and start living by the word of God, the guidance and knowledge God has given us will not only leave behind a lineage of good people but also a better tomorrow for future generations to come. Remember we are all connected we all need eachother to survive, mother nature, animals, oxygen all are necessary to keep this earth ๐ into existence ๐ I don't need to go further on that cos facts is facts, let's move on....but in short respect all of this(all living beings, creatures animals, mother nature, everything has an owner and the owner is GOD)
Right now I assume your living by God's word you've taken the time out to really go and put effort into what I've just said instead of just continuing to read along you will then move on to the second step in applying God is real and His everything.....your 2nd step
TAKE INVENTORY OF EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING in your life, the people who are toxic, negative, who tell you that you shouldn't do this or shouldn't do that chuck them out of your life, yes you read correctly, I don't care if that person helped you 20 years ago, if they are currently hindering your growth chuck them away, short and simple and you don't even need to explain yourself, you have every right to decide who and what you want in your life! End of story.
Now here comes the tricky part, FAMILY!
When it comes to family members love them always, keep them close, be there for them and always wish good for one another not only with family but for every other human being, but family will be put above other people in your life and I mean this cos really take this in, when everything is going wrong in your life your family are the only people likely to help you first before anyone else, its just an obligation we all feel towards one another cos God has created that bond within all of us! Give them a chance keep private with your life and just love them from a distance, not only will they learn to respect you, but they will start to see your boundaries and that if they want you in their lives they need to respect that boundary and accept you as you are, cos God accepts each and every one of us just as we are with all our flaws too.
I won't feed you with too much,so I'm gonna end it here for now plus I need to dedicate a few more pages to God and how He is everything in your life so I'm gonna leave you guys with the 2 steps above which is
1.Nothing and no one on this earth belongs to you. ( start believing that and you will see how simple life becomes), Respect God and all His creations. Start living by the word of God(please guys this is the most important step of all)
2.Take inventory of everyone and everything in your life, people who are toxic chuck away, family members give a few chances, create a boundary, if crossed, chuck them too, look at all your bad habits, go behind your own mask and start working on your own shitty behavior, and bad habits.
That's all for now guys, have a great weekend and leave Everything to God ๐He is the best of planners๐ฏ✌️