
Showing posts with the label #selfcarematters

Part Two Rule No 7_ Reprogramming your self-love radar

Dear Readers Time to put on our thinking hats, let's journey down the rabbit hole πŸ‡we will cover the remaining elements of self-love and how becoming STRATEGIC helps you on your journey towards self discovery......... Let's recap: S- Speech T- Temperament R- Realism A- Accountability T- Transparency E- Encouragement G- Gravitation I- Idealism C- Cooperation If you apply the strategic concept you will crack the code to self-love because this form of being covers you not only on an intellectual level but soul level as well. It creates a new way of thinking and living that is more in alignment with being authentically YOU. So let's get to it: πŸ”‘πŸ”“ *previous post covers the first 4 elements......this post is a continuation πŸ‘‡ Transparency  - is the quality of being in an open way without secrets. This means you need transparency within yourself and with others, transparency from others is hard as we all operate from our own mental conditioning and some people enjoy living in...

Rule No 7_Reprogramming your self-love radar

Dear Readers We have come to the final part of the first 7 rules in your self – development journey. Before we put on our thinking hats and go back down the rabbit hole let’s recap what the rules were all about: Rule No 1 - God first  (testimony opens up higher consciousness) Rule No 2 – Know thyself (provides a self-assessment on oneself) Rule No 3 – Crack the code to distractions (blocking the paths that bind you and mental clarity) Rule No 4 – Forgiveness (breaking down false beliefs creating new foundations) Rule No 5 – People hierarchy (setting boundaries and protecting oneself) Rule No 6 – Be more reflective, less observant (courage for inner journey and detecting flaws) Rule No 7 - Reprogramming your self-love radar (unconditional love and recalibrating thoughts) We will be exploring these rules in 7 parts, 7 rules for you and 7 rules for others......Reason why I did a recap is these are rules for you alone, my next set of rules will be all about others, yes,...

Part Three Rule No 6_Become more reflective and less observant

Dear Readers  Time to put on our thinking hats and journey down the rabbit hole.....we have come to the final part of rule No 6. Let's talk about the experiences you will go through when you decide to take the journey inward, remember going inward doesn't involve relaxing in bed and listening to music, or watching TV and thinking about your life, if you do it that way, you are still giving your time and attention to music and TV and no real journey will happen, it will be a fake form of reflecting.  Let's go deeper: If you did the exercise of making notes and reflecting on your day you probably picked up on some areas that needs more work than others, the interactions that make you uncomfortable are the ones you should be paying attention to. When you place yourself as the main character of your story something happens within, it ignites a spark you never knew you had, the spark of "awareness" when you start becoming truly aware, you WAKE UP.....everything and eve...

Part Two Rule No 6_ Become more reflective and less observant

Dear Readers  Time to go back down the rabbit hole let's journey into self discovery. We have come to part 2 of rule no 6. The journey inward is very important if you want to undo all your conditioning, remember conditioning is extrospective which is examining and processing what is outside yourself but if you take the first step and become introspective which is looking inward trying to understand what goes on in your mind, thoughts, feelings and inner workings you will begin to notice just how powerful this way of being can be.  Let's put on our thinking hats: Going inward doesn't require much, you don't need to go and hire the world's greatest for's actually simple.....becoming reflective is about small exercises like thinking about your day but thinking about it on a deeper level, you can do it in your mind or get yourself a book to write in, doesn't what works for you, make yourself comfortable it's your inner journey ...

Rule No 6 _ Become more reflective and less observant

Dear Readers  We have come to rule No 6 on our journey to self discovery, "become more reflective and less observant" , if you think about it we form thoughts, behaviors, choices and actions over being observant of what we see around us, which is normal, but if you want to see another layer of your true self you need to become more reflective of your inner being rather than focusing on what's happening around you.  Most say I know myself fairly well, but do you really know yourself? Let me put it this way, if you know yourself well, then you would stay away from anything that causes you hurt, you would also be living in a way where you don't hurt others, you would have the "to hurt another is to hurt oneself" effect because you would be sure of yourself and you also understand that we all are connected in some way you would also be living in the ultimate best version of YOU! Yet the opposite happens with us, and since we don't have the power to change it...

Rule No 5_ Your people hierarchy

Dear Readers  Time to go back down the rabbit hole, put on your thinking hats, we have come to our 5th rule which is very important if you truly want to develop to a better YOU. Rule Number 5_ your people hierarchy, the people that are in your life play a big role in how you live yours, I will explain further: You have to take inventory of the company you surround yourself with, if you don't, you will have no direction of what you are all about and follow the direction of what people are all about. We are not here to be copy cats of one another we are here to shine in our own unique way, living out our purpose that God has set for us, but you will never come to know your soul or your purpose if you don't start making changes, and one of the changes involves scanning the type of people in your life, if you surround yourself with a crowd who is all about gossiping, I will tell you that this crowd is a hopeless set of people with nothing better to do with their time, they have no ...

Part Three Rule No 4_ Forgiveness to everything including yourself

Dear Readers  We have come to the final step in forgiveness, knowledge is power so time to put on your thinking hats and as always let's get to it, I like to call our journey to self discovery going back down the rabbit hole so everytime you apply a rule in your life just know your that bunny stepping into the rabbit hole and I can assure you the end result will be worth it, here's the thing,,,,,everyone has problems, challenges and troubles that they live with but the ones who are truly wise choose to share that misery with Our Divine and He returns the favor by healing you and covering you with a shield that becomes unbreakable for future obstacles to come! And that is how you level up in connecting your own unique wire to the ONE SOURCE and Creator of all. Time to go deeper, the reason why I say forgiveness will never be fully completed in your life is the fact that your leaving out a critical ingredient to forgiveness.....forgiving your "conditioning" which is cau...

A Voetsek Situation has become a communityπŸ‘‘πŸ’–❤πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€πŸ€πŸ’―

A Voetsek Situation is now an online community platform that is here to help you on your journey to self development, it's also a community to socialise, have a good laugh, discuss ideas, and get to know people from different walks of life, if you would like to be part of the community then please follow the link below and join, all is welcome πŸ˜ŽπŸ’šπŸ‘‡ A Voetsek Situation_Happy Bonding

Part Two Rule No 4_ Forgiveness to everything including yourself

Dear Readers The time has come to put on your thinking hats so let’s get to it: In today’s post we will look at forgiving yourself, which most struggle with because we now live in a society where forgiving yourself, accepting the flaws that you have or had as well as your weaknesses is looked down upon, we are programmed by the environment we live in, events that happen in our lives, people’s opinion and upbringing that causes us to block out forgiving oneself. As you can see many external factors at play here, which makes forgiveness a challenge for most. Time to go deeper: We have a thing within us called EGO, I like to call EGO the devil’s gift! We are not born with Ego, it is created and manifested in thoughts and actions. Ego is a big ingredient in sabotaging YOU from forgiving yourself and others, it also impacts your gateway to your higher self. Here is why ego will get in the way, Ego makes you feel entitled, forgetting that we need to go through challenges in our lif...

Rule No 4_ Forgiveness to everything including yourself

Dear Readers  We have come to rule No 4 Forgiveness to everything including yourself. I can say from my side that this rule is a tough one, but it is a step you need to take on your journey to self discovery and here's why: It's a decision you will teach your mind to accept and with enough repetition your emotions towards the person or matter will lose it's trigger and those strong emotions will slowly start to die off, you will open your mind to a broader understanding of how pointless it is to attach feelings or thoughts to past or current people in your life that causes emotions you don't want to surface. If you are embarrassed or ashamed of a certain emotion or behaviour then it's YOUR SIGNAL to focus on that weakness, understand why you can't forgive that person, what is truly holding you back from forgiving as well as why it's hard to let go and just forgive. The end result still remains unchanged, that person or life will continue as usual regardless ...