Rule No 5_ Your people hierarchy

Dear Readers 

Time to go back down the rabbit hole, put on your thinking hats, we have come to our 5th rule which is very important if you truly want to develop to a better YOU.

Rule Number 5_ your people hierarchy, the people that are in your life play a big role in how you live yours, I will explain further:

You have to take inventory of the company you surround yourself with, if you don't, you will have no direction of what you are all about and follow the direction of what people are all about. We are not here to be copy cats of one another we are here to shine in our own unique way, living out our purpose that God has set for us, but you will never come to know your soul or your purpose if you don't start making changes, and one of the changes involves scanning the type of people in your life, if you surround yourself with a crowd who is all about gossiping, I will tell you that this crowd is a hopeless set of people with nothing better to do with their time, they have no goals or aspirations and find pleasure in the latest stories which always involves the failure of someone, the same with surrounding yourself with people who only care about fame and popularity, the superficial things in life, and money, people like this will do anything and everything to make it big, never trust them they are not your friends, those who stand for nothing falls for anything, they will only reap the benefits to a certain extent but will never go further as God only supports humility, love and kindness, the ones who boast and show off are nothing but arrogant and have no pure intentions of anything in their hearts, all they care about is attention and as long as you feed it to them, you will drive yourself further away from your own life's path. 

I say don't follow social media, be the social media, if you chose to walk on the road less traveled I can promise you that what you will discover about you will be much more valuable than what you can learn from people, see the thing about life is when you put your trust in people you will definitely fail, as we are all wired differently but when you learn to put your trust in The Lord you will definitely win, and I don't mean you will get big sums of cash and live in a glass mansion I'm talking about vitamins for the soul, inner peace, wisdom, self love, acceptance those kind of gifts......

Start with your husband or wife and your kids then your family and friends, colleagues and acquaintances to follow after,  when you learn to organize your life in this manner you will have a solid foundation in place, the second thing to do is learn to keep your mouth shut about what happens in your home, the more people know about your business and all that's going on in your life then be prepared to be distracted to the maximum with the unnecessary talks and gossip to follow about you after, that is you asking for trouble in your own life, if you are going through challenges in your life then please learn to take those issues to God, people are not the solution.

Once you apply a people hierarchy rule to your life, not only will you end up feeling lighter, who you prioritize in your life will give you some idea of who you should be investing your time on and who you should shun away from.....until next time Firi_B

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