Part Three Rule No 6_Become more reflective and less observant
Dear Readers
Time to put on our thinking hats and journey down the rabbit hole.....we have come to the final part of rule No 6. Let's talk about the experiences you will go through when you decide to take the journey inward, remember going inward doesn't involve relaxing in bed and listening to music, or watching TV and thinking about your life, if you do it that way, you are still giving your time and attention to music and TV and no real journey will happen, it will be a fake form of reflecting.
Let's go deeper:
If you did the exercise of making notes and reflecting on your day you probably picked up on some areas that needs more work than others, the interactions that make you uncomfortable are the ones you should be paying attention to. When you place yourself as the main character of your story something happens within, it ignites a spark you never knew you had, the spark of "awareness" when you start becoming truly aware, you WAKE UP.....everything and everyone is looked at from a different angle. You get a deeper sense of understanding and start to perceive things differently too, broader scope of everything, your mind opens up to an awareness of something more and your heart confirms it through feeling. This is where your mind and heart start to become insync with one another.
Renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung explains it perfectly as "Synchronicity - For it is the purpose of synchronicities to pull our attention inwardly toward something that we may not know about ourselves or an opportunity that expands our character; and by being alert through insight and illumination we can take full advantage of whatever is being offered to us"
We can go deeper and say that these insights will make you very uncomfortable as you are now functioning on a new internal dialogue that is cleared up from the nasty narrative that was stuck there for years probably stuck on rewind or replay.
Besides feeling uncomfortable you gonna feel lost and alone, like you are going crazy, disoriented and depressed too, you gonna just live in nothingness for a bit, maybe you will become emotionally numb maybe you will feel too much, everyone reacts differently but learn to be patient with yourself until your moment comes, and trust me it will come!
The task of self development is not easy but the other side has many rewards......Tranquility, harmony, love and abundance are closer. When you start to synchronize certain events that played out in your life the same way as the past it is your first reflection of the journey inward and the key to building on that is to continue reflecting on it, be patient with yourself even when there are days where you just want to give up and crawl into a hole, you will remind yourself by your new narrative that you have created outside of conditioning is you deserve to keep going because success could be just around the corner. Who knows?
With time the clarity and understanding will come, it won't be immediate but gradual and you will start to make sense of the reality of a situation. The real truth of it, and why it happened, it could come to you in the form of thoughts, images in your mind, a feeling you get when you can relate to someone or a situation, the messages will become clear if you pay attention to what happens to you in new thoughts that you never had before and feelings of being able to relate. From these new insights you will be able to come up with solutions all by yourself because you will be guiding yourself based on the truth you faced about you, whether it was good or bad you faced it and that in itself is bold, it's fierce, it's courageous.
To all who decides to take the journey inward and who truly want to develop to a better self it really is hard and scary and many tend to run away from it so please pat yourself on the back and give yourself a big hug it's something you should celebrate and be proud of! May 2023 be the year self love triumphs and may it set you free as you should be๐❤
Until next time......Firi_B ๐