Rule No 4_ Forgiveness to everything including yourself

Dear Readers 

We have come to rule No 4 Forgiveness to everything including yourself. I can say from my side that this rule is a tough one, but it is a step you need to take on your journey to self discovery and here's why:

It's a decision you will teach your mind to accept and with enough repetition your emotions towards the person or matter will lose it's trigger and those strong emotions will slowly start to die off, you will open your mind to a broader understanding of how pointless it is to attach feelings or thoughts to past or current people in your life that causes emotions you don't want to surface. If you are embarrassed or ashamed of a certain emotion or behaviour then it's YOUR SIGNAL to focus on that weakness, understand why you can't forgive that person, what is truly holding you back from forgiving as well as why it's hard to let go and just forgive. The end result still remains unchanged, that person or life will continue as usual regardless of how you feel, the world will keep spinning, it's the truth, accept that.

Time to put on your thinking hats let's go deeper:
After you accept the above you need to accept another fact,,,some people who you struggle to forgive  will not magically get an epiphany or light bulb moment and come begging at your feet for forgiveness, you need to learn to forgive them too because I can assure you that the only one that is held back is YOU, if they can't see the error of their ways they will never change! Let the sleepers sleep and you stay woke! Sad truth accept it........

Now let's go deeper,,,,,,
God has made forgiveness a duty upon every man and women, learn to trust HIS WORDS and WISDOM, go and do research on why God has made it a duty upon us, I can also give you one reason,,,,HE doesn't want that to get in YOUR WAY of becoming who you are meant to be, because He has blessed us all with gifts we just need to find which spark is ours,,,,secondly it really does hinder your relationship to God, it stains your soul with darkness and bitters your heart with a touch of blackness and that little touch can manifest into hate and anger, all of this disconnects you from allowing your mind and soul to sync and become friends with one another, only when these two become friends can the real YOU come into play......

I can tell you this much......we are not just physical, we have other elements too, mind, soul and spirit( I will post on true meaning behind spirit in a later post) 

Also keep in mind that when you can't forgive someone it's because you feel an injustice was done to you and it's ok to feel like that no problem feel it, but also learn to walk with your demons and you will see that what you struggle with about yourself is keys to unlocking an understanding of areas within you that needs to be worked on in order to set yourself free and move forward with your life! 

This is just one part of forgiveness, you need to forgive others and what has happened to you because you are not what happened you are what you choose to become, God doesn't want you to sit and cry and be unforgiving, no ways......our Creator says " Do not fear, I am here" big meaning behind this verse if you really think about it........

Your ultimate teacher on forgiveness will always be God, so learn his scriptures on forgiveness and by God's will you will unlock a secret about yourself you didn't know.......GOD has given each and every one of us gifts, you just gotta find which one represents your spark❤πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€πŸ€

Forgiveness will be divided into 3 parts. This post covered forgiveness to those that have wronged you, in my next post we will cover forgiving yourself and a much deeper subject forgiving the world and mankind as a whole, see the concept of forgiveness is not as most think it is......oh no it is a subject that runs deeper, and all will be shared in my next posts,,,,,until next time......Firi_B πŸ‘‡

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