Part Three Rule No 4_ Forgiveness to everything including yourself
Dear Readers
We have come to the final step in forgiveness, knowledge is power so time to put on your thinking hats and as always let's get to it, I like to call our journey to self discovery going back down the rabbit hole so everytime you apply a rule in your life just know your that bunny stepping into the rabbit hole and I can assure you the end result will be worth it, here's the thing,,,,,everyone has problems, challenges and troubles that they live with but the ones who are truly wise choose to share that misery with Our Divine and He returns the favor by healing you and covering you with a shield that becomes unbreakable for future obstacles to come! And that is how you level up in connecting your own unique wire to the ONE SOURCE and Creator of all.
Time to go deeper, the reason why I say forgiveness will never be fully completed in your life is the fact that your leaving out a critical ingredient to forgiveness.....forgiving your "conditioning" which is caused by society and the world that we live in, so it is key and critical to apply this step in your life if you truly want to break the chains to your limited need to forgive the world for what it has conditioned you to be and mankind as a whole for reflecting their opinions and beliefs on you, the only Beliefs you should care about is beliefs in your Holy Scriptures and follow the opinions of God's Prophets that is it, life becomes so simple when you can open your mind to a broader understanding of how everything works, and that we really don't have control over anything,
And deeper and deeper we go, if you want a better explanation to what I'm saying think about this, let's take it back to the beginning, YOU are born, you go through your childhood, teenage and then adult phase of life, when your in adult phase life happens. In today's world we don't have time for anything and that is the problem! This whole process of your life upto where you currently at now is called "conditioning" which makes the whole story of your life a true reflection of everyone else's opinions and thoughts, it's the truth accept it......
Time for some cold hard facts, if you feel you are failing yourself it's because you never took the time to go within and ask yourself what you really believe in and based on your own experiences not the opinions of others , you know how to operate as a normal human being so throw all your conditioning away and create your own version of you.
You owe it to yourself to take you a step further and go within to truly discover who you are, take time out to reflect on what has been your conditioning throughout your life, I can go more further and use the example of the media, which tells us how to act and dress, this is conditioning! Following these celebrities like they are some God's and copying them as if that is gonna give us answers to our life! Please these celebrities don't know any better than you, we all are living in our own individual conditioning so how can we think the questions to our existence and troubles we face will be answered by another's projection of his/her own personalized conditioning?
Time to go next level with your thinking, the ANSWERS that you want can only be found in knowledge and to attain knowledge you must become a seeker of it and if you are too lazy for that then you will always remain asleep and a prisoner to your own life and mind, if you set YOU free then the real YOU can come into play, not the fake conditioned version!
Become the encyclopedia for your life and stop allowing the ways of this world and people to define and corrupt who and what you truly are,,,,I will end off forgiveness with this note, forgive the world and mankind let go of conditioning and learn to condition yourself, give yourself fully and truly whole heartedly to the Divine Lord and he will guide you through His wonderful scriptures of knowledge, also make it a habit to read books on psychology, philosophy, science and physics not only will you learn about how everything came into existence you will also learn about people, if by any chance you feel yourself opening up to people and feeling empathy for others I can say that you have come to understand forgiveness and that is a chapter that needs to be closed now and on to the next.........
Until next time......Firi_B