Rule No 7_Reprogramming your self-love radar
Dear Readers We have come to the final part of the first 7 rules in your self – development journey. Before we put on our thinking hats and go back down the rabbit hole let’s recap what the rules were all about: Rule No 1 - God first (testimony opens up higher consciousness) Rule No 2 – Know thyself (provides a self-assessment on oneself) Rule No 3 – Crack the code to distractions (blocking the paths that bind you and mental clarity) Rule No 4 – Forgiveness (breaking down false beliefs creating new foundations) Rule No 5 – People hierarchy (setting boundaries and protecting oneself) Rule No 6 – Be more reflective, less observant (courage for inner journey and detecting flaws) Rule No 7 - Reprogramming your self-love radar (unconditional love and recalibrating thoughts) We will be exploring these rules in 7 parts, 7 rules for you and 7 rules for others......Reason why I did a recap is these are rules for you alone, my next set of rules will be all about others, yes,...